
Once configured, you can create messages and publish them to the queue. You may also create services that will automatically be fired as messages are pushed to your application.

For your convenience, a custom Provider service will be created and registered in the Container for each of your defined Queues. The container queue service id will be in the format of uecode_qpush.{your queue name}.

Publishing messages to your Queue

Publishing messages is simple - fetch your Provider service from the container and call the publish method on the respective queue, which accepts an array.


public function publishAction()
    $message = [
        'messages should be an array',
        'they can be flat arrays' => [
            'or multidimensional'


Working with messages from your Queue

Messages are either automatically received by your application and events dispatched (setting push_notification to true), or can be picked up by Cron jobs through an included command if you are not using a Message Queue provider that supports Push notifications.

When the notifications or messages are Pushed to your application, the QPush Bundle automatically catches the request and dispatches an event which can be easily hooked into.


Once a message is received via POST from your Message Queue, a MessageEvent is dispatched which can be handled by your services. Each MessageEvent contains the name of the queue and a Uecode\Bundle\QPushBundle\Message\Message object, accessible through getters.


use Uecode\Bundle\QPushBundle\Event\MessageEvent

public function onMessageReceived(MessageEvent $event)
    $queue_name = $event->getQueueName();
    $message    = $event->getMessage();

The Message objects contain the provider specific message id, a message body, and a collection of provider specific metadata.

These properties are accessible through simple getters.

The message body is an array matching your original message. The metadata property is an ArrayCollection of varying fields sent with your message from your Queue Provider.


use Uecode\Bundle\QPushBundle\Event\MessageEvent;
use Uecode\Bundle\QPushBundle\Message\Message;

public function onMessageReceived(MessageEvent $event)
    $id         = $event->getMessage()->getId();
    $body       = $event->getMessage()->getBody();
    $metadata   = $event->getMessage()->getMetadata();

    // do some processing

Tagging Your Services

For your Services to be called on QPush events, they must be tagged with the name uecode_qpush.event_listener. A complete tag is made up of the following properties:

Tag Property Example Description
name uecode_qpush.event_listener The Qpush Event Listener Tag
event {queue name}.message_received The message_received event, prefixed with the Queue name
method onMessageReceived A publicly accessible method on your service
priority 100 Priority, 1-100 to control order of services. Higher priorities are called earlier

The priority is useful to chain services, ensuring that they fire in a certain order - the higher priorities fire earlier.

Each event fired by the Qpush Bundle is prefixed with the name of your queue, ex: my_queue_name.message_received.

This allows you to assign services to fire only on certain queues, based on the queue name. However, you may also have multiple tags on a single service, so that one service can handle events from multiple queues.

    class: My\Example\ExampleService
        - { name: uecode_qpush.event_listener, event: my_queue_name.message_received, method: onMessageReceived }

The method listed in the tag must be publicly available in your service and should take a single argument, an instance of Uecode\Bundle\QPushBundle\Event\MessageEvent.


use Uecode\Bundle\QPushBundle\Event\MessageEvent;

// ...

public function onMessageReceived(MessageEvent $event)
    $queueName  = $event->getQueueName();
    $message    = $event->getMessage();
    $metadata   = $message()->getMetadata();

    // Process ...

Cleaning Up the Queue

Once all other Event Listeners have been invoked on a MessageEvent, the QPush Bundle will automatically attempt to remove the Message from your Queue for you.

If an error or exception is thrown, or event propagation is stopped earlier in the chain, the Message will not be removed automatically and may be picked up by other workers.

If you would like to remove the message inside your service, you can do so by calling the delete method on your provider and passing it the message id. However, you must also stop the event propagation to avoid other services (including the Provider service) from firing on that MessageEvent.


use Uecode\Bundle\QPushBundle\Event\MessageEvent;

// ...

public function onMessageReceived(MessageEvent $event)
    $id = $event->getMessage()->getId();
    // Removes the message from the queue

    // Stops the event from propagating

Push Queues in Development

It is recommended to use your config_dev.yml file to disable the push_notifications settings on your queues. This will make the queue a simple Pull queue. You can then use the uecode:qpush:receive Console Command to receive messages from your Queue.

If you need to test the Push Queue functionality from a local stack or internal machine, it’s possible to use ngrok to tunnel to your development environment, so its reachable by your Queue Provider.

You would need to update your config_dev.yml configuration to use the ngrok url for your subscriber(s).