AWS Provider

The AWS Provider uses SQS & SNS to create a Push Queue model. SNS is optional with this provider and its possible to use just SQS by utilizing the provided Console Command (uecode:qpush:receive) to poll the queue.


This provider relies on the AWS SDK PHP library, which needs to be required in your composer.json file.

This bundle will support both v2 and v3 of the AWS SDK.

    require: {
        "aws/aws-sdk-php": : "2.*" #OR "3.*"

From there, the rest of the configuration is simple. You need to provide your credentials in your configuration.


            driver: aws
            key:    <aws key>
            secret: <aws secret>
            region: us-east-1
            provider: my_provider
                push_notifications: true
                    - { endpoint:, protocol: http }

You may exclude the aws key and secret if you are using IAM role in EC2.

Using SNS

If you set push_notifications to true in your queue config, this provider will automatically create the SNS Topic, subscribe your SQS queue to it, as well as loop over your list of subscribers, adding them to your Topic.

This provider automatically handles Subscription Confirmations sent from SNS, as long as the HTTP endpoint you’ve listed is externally accessible and has the QPush Bundle properly installed and configured.

Overriding Queue Options

It’s possible to override the default queue options that are set in your config file when sending or receiving messages.


The publish() method takes an array as a second argument. For the AWS Provider you are able to change the options listed below per publish.

If you disable push_notifications for a message, it will skip using SNS and only write the message to SQS. You will need to manually poll the SQS queue to fetch those messages.

Option Description Default Value
push_notifications Whether or not to POST notifications to subscribers of a Queue false
message_delay Time in seconds before a published Message is available to be read in a Queue 0
$message = ['foo' => 'bar'];

// Optional config to override default options
$options = [
    'push_notifications' => 0,
    'message_delay'      => 1

$this->get('uecode_qpush.my_queue_name')->publish($message, $options);


The receive() method takes an array as a second argument. For the AWS Provider you are able to change the options listed below per attempt to receive messages.

Option Description Default Value
messages_to_receive Maximum amount of messages that can be received when polling the queue 1
receive_wait_time If supported, time in seconds to leave the polling request open - for long polling 3
// Optional config to override default options
$options = [
    'messages_to_receive' => 3,
    'receive_wait_time'   => 10

$messages = $this->get('uecode_qpush.my_queue_name')->receive($options);

foreach ($messages as $message) {
    echo $message->getBody();